realtyguardionbuyersprotections-Kevin Swift, REALTOR GRI, CNHS
Buyer Cash Protections & Buyer Relocation Cash Protections Total Up to $2,100*
+ Critical Loss Prevention Measures to Curb Losses Up to $1,000,000**
This is not real estate as usual. Whether a first-time buyer, an experienced buyer, or you are relocating in or out of this area and do not know the best resources at your new destination, Realty Guardian provides Certified GUARDIAN REALTORS® trained for risk aversion and known for reliability, who have a solid reputation, transaction experience, and are proficient in the REALTY GUARDIAN PROTECTION PLANS for both buyers and sellers. To implement the SAFEGUARD PROTECTIONS, your Certified GUARDIAN REALTOR® will provide the buyer representation you would expect from a pro, including home tours, contract negotiations, title and inspection oversight, and closing coordination.
Realty Guardian staff works hand-in-hand with your agent to flush out your best lender options with APR rate research, to facilitate professional connections across the real estate industry to find the best service providers, and to help set up the moving concierge service if you like that free service, with the goal of protecting you, your long-term investment, and personal wealth. Here are the ways Realty Guardion protects you as a buyer.
Protection of Consumers’ Wallets & Wealth: Exceptional Real Estate Professionals
Realty Guardian matches BUYERS to the most dependable, compatible, and experienced real estate agents who have a professional reputation and have signed Realty Guardian agreements to protect MEMBER BUYERS. While many agents have the sell anything and everything mindset, Realty Guardian agents work within the consult and advise mindset. We want to work with agents who have solid integrity, not fluctuating integrity. Also, family and friend referrals often lock buyers in with a rookie or a mismatched agent they do not like and most importantly… without the safeguard training. Realty Guardian experts believe there is a science to positive client-agent relations. Consumers are better served when ideal agents are “custom aligned” to buyer likes, dislikes, and needs, with agents meeting Realty Guardian professional reputation standards.
BUYERS can use the IDEAL MATCH TOOLthat analyzes likes, dislikes, and preferred communication allowing Realty Guardian to generate one or more IDEALCERTIFIED GUARDIAN REALTORS®. Meet and greet—no obligation. Consider their personality and likeability. You’ll be spending a lot of time together touring, purchasing and dealing with transaction issues (and a listing period too if selling your house). BUYERS can return for more introductions until satisfied and ready to sign an agency agreement. Everyone deserves their best chance to meet their most compatible, reliable, ideal agent, and its Realty Guardian’s mission to make that a reality if possible. To make sure the agent is a match, Realty Guardian Staff will follow up with MEMBER BUYERS to see how their experience is progressing (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Bad Representation: $100 to $20,000+).
Protection Against Incompetent Agent & Services
The biggest fear when you work with a real estate agent is being locked into a lengthy buyer agency agreement with a less than competent or responsive real estate agent, costing you valuable time and frustration in finding your dream home. Realty Guardian takes the risk and the fear out of buying a home with a real estate agent through our EASY EARLY EXIT Buyer Agency GUARANTEE. When you sign up with a Certified GUARDIAN REALTOR, you can cancel your buyer agency agreement at any time with a 30-day written notice. No hassles.
You can cancel your buyer agency representation with a 30-day written notice
You can relax, knowing you won’t be locked into a lengthy binding contract
Enjoy the caliber of service confident enough to make this offer
At Realty Guardian we have strong opinions about matching you to the best possible real estate agent and services. If you are not happy with the services you receive, you should have the power to fire your agent with a 30-day notice. While it takes a strong belief in the quality of service guarantee to make this kind of stand, Realty Guardian never settles for less than the highest professional standards.
We are confident that you will be happy with your Certified GUARDIAN REALTOR based on their years of results and the thousands of satisfied home buyers among our chosen professionals. But, if you are not please just let your agent know you want to execute the EASY EARLY-EXIT Buyer Agency GUARANTEE (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Bad Representation & Services: $250 to $25,000+)
Protection Against a Home You Don't Like or Can't Keep
There is a lot of risk involved in buying a new home. You can buy today and next week get a job transfer notice and you need to live in another area of town. Or, what if you buy a home near a lake only to find out that mosquitoes are overwhelming? Your new home could be smaller than you realized or too big for your family. Your new neighborhood may not be what you thought it would be. The list is endless. You don't need that kind of stress. Now you don't need to fret because of the Realty Guardian Protection--Love It or Leave It Home Buyer Guarantee. Purchase a home through a Realty Guardian Protection agent and if you don’t absolutely love it after you move in, we will arrange with one of our Certified Guardian REALTORS to sell it for FREE. For full details, click here.
Protection Against Service Fee Costs for Warranty Repairs
For buyers who have a one-year home warranty plan in place with the purchase of their home, Realty Guardian Protection will reimburse the new homeowner 50% of the cost of the service fees for the first year of coverage up to $300. For example,American Home Shield charges a $95 service fee when the warranty coverage is used. Buyers will get reimbursed for 50% of this cost, reducing the actual cost of the service fee back to $47.50. (CASHREIMBURSEMENTPROTECTION Against Out-of-Pocket Expenses for Warranty Serices Fees Up to Maximum of $300).
Protection for Dream Home Loss: Rapid Loan Prequal Letters—Weekends Included
Prequalifying for a personal loan means that a lender thinks the buyer is a good candidate to formally apply for a home loan. When prequalifying for a home loan, a loan officer interviews the buyer and obtains important details to qualify the potential buyer (credit score, income, expenses, etc.). In turn the loan officer will provide loan details and cost numbers including estimated APR, monthly payment, and loan amounts. When needed, Realty Guardian can help BUYERS gain access to a speedy loan qualification letter to compete and win. Realty Guardian Staff Advisors hunt down the best, most experienced, and highly respected loan officers that work evenings and weekends. Secure a dream home against the competition. The IDEAL LOAN TOOL provides the needed information to help Realty Guardian Advisors to locate the best loan officer on call (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Loss of Your Ideal Home: Incalculable).
Protection Against Excessive Interest Fees: Ideal Loan & APR Analysis
Complete the IDEAL LOAN TOOL, and a Realty Guardian Advisor will analyze the BUYER’S financial status to match the best loan options based on credit score, income, down payment, etc., always taking into account Realty Guardian’s interest rate/APR probes to potenially save BUYER MEMBERS thousands of dollars in interest, when possible, while connecting with only APPROVED Loan Officers for the best, most reliable local loan processing. Lenders must provide the best loan, best services, and their best rate options. They must being loan providers in the local real estate market so that buyers can meet and see their loan provider. No out of town lenders are considered, due to the challenges buyers and agents face everyday when using long distance lenders. Out of town lenders also put the buyer at a disadvantege when competing for a house, as local lenders are considered a safer option for the seller.
The interest costs/savings over the life cycle of home loans can be significant for ordinary loans, but extraordinary for jumbo loans. MEMBERS can always depend on the IDEAL LOAN TOOL and Advisory Staff for home loan options, now and in the future as the loan option research continues (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Over-Payments: $1,000 to $20,000+).
“Conducting a... search can save thousands of dollars by finding lenders offering a lower rate and more competitive fees,” says Greg McBride, CFA, Bankrate chief financial analyst.
Protection Against Bad Inspections: Inspector Analysis List
Certified GUARDIAN REALTORS® cannot recommend their favorite inspectors until BUYERS review the Realty Guardian Inspector Analysis List. We analyze the background of inspectors and grade by experience, education, number of completed inspections, etc., so MEMBERS can make an informed decision on their best choices. When material property defects are overlooked during the inspection, it can lead to thousands in losses with no recourse since buyers often sign a consent to limit the inspector’s liability to a few hundred dollars. Using a quality inspector is vital (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Inspection Oversights: $500 to $30,000+).
The Most Common Problems Found in Home Inspections:
Protection Against Delays for Title Issues with Quicking & Review
Title Insurance protects real estate owners and lenders against any property loss or damage they might experience because of liens, encumbrances, or defects in the title to the property.Depending on the area of the country, up to 10% of transactions have title issues of some kind or another that can delay the closing and throw off moving schedules for buyers and sellers alike. Often, title issues are uncovered late in the process. Certified GUARDIAN REALTORS® must order or demand immediate ordering of the title work upon contract agreement, and review the title as soon as possible to learn if any issues plague the transaction that need to be overcome so costly delays can be eliminated (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Delay Costs: $100 to $3,000+).
Protection Against Homeowners Insurance Over-Payments
A standard homeowners insurance policy provides coverage to repair or replace your home and its contents in the event of damage. That usually includes damage resulting from fire, smoke, theft or vandalism, or damage caused by a weather event such as lightning, wind, or hail. Other coverages like earthquake and flood can be added. Realty Guardian constantly analyzes homeowners’ insurance for companies’ lowest rate options and will help review BUYER MEMBER’S research insurance for a property purchase (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Over-Payments—Potential Lifetime Savings: $3,000 to $30,000+).
Protection Against Undisclosed Pending HOA Fees
The primary purpose of an HOA is to protect property values and maintain common elements of the community. The association can impose regular fees upon the homeowners to build funds for necessary property maintenance. They may also regulate specific aesthetic aspects of units.
In one Florida case, a subdivision HOA passed a new bylaw stating on a certain date new substantially higher fees will be assessed for new homeowners. That increase was not publicized, and because the house closed one-day after that date it resulted in an additional HOA fee of $5,000 for the new owners to join the Homeowner’s Association. Closing one-day earlier would have prevented this excessive cost for the buyer. For this reason, to protect BUYER MEMBERS, CERTIFIED GUARDIAN REALTORS® must contact the HOA for any pending increases, undisclosed fees or any new restrictions and regulations not yet filed on court records to protect BUYER MEMBERS from undisclosed fees (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Potential Overcharges & Surprises: $1,000 to $10,000+)
Protection Against Costly Surprises: Required Walk-Through Prior to Closing
The Walkthrough: the buyer and their real estate agent walks through the property to check that there's no new damage, that all the home's systems and appliances included in the sale are still working and that the home is in an acceptable condition. Agents sometimes will skip this important step out of busyness or laziness.
Realty Guardian "requires" all Certified GUARDIAN REALTORS® to conduct a property walk through with the BUYER MEMBER within 24 hours of the closing and to leave behind a Personal Property List Reminder of items that are to stay. Walk-throughs are not done consistently with many stories of damages discovered after the closing like water flowing into the basement, leaking water from refrigerator lines causing ceilings to fall in, major appliances missing and other countless surprises. Once the house purchase closing is done and over, getting sellers to pay for damages and missing items are nearly impossible. Prevention of any loss is the key factor (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Potential Losses Due to Missing Property & Pre-closing Damages: $250 to $25,000+).
Protection Against Wire Fraud: Do Not Lose Hard-Earned Money
Wire transfers, which are also known as wire payments, allow money to be moved quickly without the need to exchange cash. They allow two parties to transfer funds even if they're in different (geographic) locations safely. A transfer is usually initiated from one bank or financial institution to another. However, recently more than 13,000 people were victims of wire fraud in the real estate and rental sector, with losses of more than $213 million—an increase of 380% since 2017, according to FBI data. Cybercrimes are on the rise. Mortgage wire fraud is a scam in which a hacker poses as a real estate agent or party to the transaction, and convinces individuals to divert closing funds to a fraudulent account. Our Certified GUARDIAN REALTORS will not email you a request to wire money for your closing (or for any other reason whatsoever). That request will be directed to you by your title and settlement provider in conjunction with letting you know your final cash to dose amounts. If you receive such a request from what may appear to be your REALTOR®, do not comply! Also, if you receive wire instructions via email, ALWAYS phone verify with the appropriate recipient that the information is legitimate, and that the ABA, routing numbers, account and/or SWIFT codes are correct! Our agents only uses a reputable title company who follows fraud protocols for any wire transfer, using strong passwords and wire transfer approvals. All must be monitored with safety checks to verify the wire is legitimate so no money is wired to a criminal (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Potential Loss of Funds Due To Wire Fraud: $1,000 to $378,000+).
Protection of Time, Peace of Mind: Move Made Easier
When using the Realty Guardian Platform for a home purchase, REALTY GUARDIAN MEMBERS have the option to use the Moving Concierge Services at no-cost, with services including filing a change of address, making utility start/stop/transfers from the old address to the new one, coordinating pet move or pet adoption accommodations, coordinating vehicle transportation and specialty items (piano, wine collection, grandfather clock, etc.), arranging the storage of belongings onsite or offsite, and full packing and unpacking services. Other options include arranging cleaning services, carpet cleaning, junk removal, handyman services, disassemble/reassemble of gym, office, and billiard table, and other aspects of the move (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Potential Overcharges: $250 to $2,500+).
Protections Against Unreliable Providers: Creating a Better Home & Life
In addition to hiring dependable handymen and remodelers, Life Advisors also play an important role to provide advice when unfavorable markets cause investor anxiety and to help in building wealth. In a trusting relationship, good advisors can step in to remind families of their long-term goals and to point them toward the things they can control, including costs, diversification, and tax efficiency.The advisor lists in life include Tax Preparers and CPAs, Financial Wealth Advisors, Living Trust & Will Advisors.
Realty Guardian is always in pursuit to finding the best of the best service providers and advisors. Landing the right home service contractors and sound financial counsel helps protect MEMBERS as far as possible against unscrupulous contractors, potential troubles, costly mistakes, and loss of wealth (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Potential Losses Due to Taxes, Unexpected Deaths: $1,000 to $70,000+).
Protection for Out-of-Pocket Costs: Deals Gone Bad & Contingency Issues
BUYERS are protected during the transaction if a property does not appraise and a new sales price cannot be settled, repair issues cannot be successfully negotiated, or a loan cannot be secured per contract agreement. If the BUYER can obtain a signed seller release based on the contract terms for any of these reasons, Realty Guardian will reimburse the buyer for the following proven out-of-pocket expenses: reimbursement for 50% of inspection costs up to $600, and reimbures up to 50% of the appraisal fee up to $600(CASHREIMBURSEMENTPROTECTION Against Out-of-Pocket Expenses Up to Maximum of $1,200).
Protection Against Legal Consultation Expenses
You might need legal assistance and expert advice if you feel you have been wronged in a transaction. Legal matters are very delicate, and you should not take them lightly. Real estate dealings may be fraught in difficulties and legal matters based on various factors such as hidden undisclosed defects, breach of contract, and other factors which can add up to thousands of dollars. For every transaction on the Realty Guardian Platform, BUYERS are entitled to reimbursement for 50% of the cost of the first legal consultation session during the contract period and the first year that follows should the need arise to consult a real estate attorney related to the home purchase when using a Certified GUARDIAN REALTOR® (CASH REIMBURSEMENTPROTECTION Against Out-of-Pocket Expenses Up to $600).
Protection Against Home Equity & Title Thief
Everything is stored online these days including your home's title information. Domestic and international cyber-thieves target U.S. homeowners equity in their homes. Removing you from your new home's title takes just minutes. Then they forge their name on the title document and refile it. Next, they take out loans using your home's equity and stick you with the payments. You likely won't know until you get a late payment or foreclosure notice from several banks. Identity theft programs, banks, and homeowner insurance policies DON'T protect you.
However, homeowners are paying hundreds and in time thousands of dollars for a third party to protect them against this fraudulent activity when you can receive notifications directly from the some participating county government Land Records offices at NO COST when a document is filed with your name match.
Realty Guardian will notify you if this service is available in your area, so you can decide what is best for you, but potentially saving you thousands of dollars paid to third parties, and protecting you with notifications if you don't carry any coverage by third party protection (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Potential Overpayments to Third Parties, Home Value & Home Equity Losses by Thief: $5,000 to $379,000+).
Protection Against Information Deficit: Maintaining Home’s Condition & Value
All MEMBERS receive Realty Guardian’s four-page quarterly newsletter printed and delivered by USPS to your mailbox, tightly packed with home trends, home maintenance, lawn and garden tips, cool ideas like vintage furniture, up-to-date paint colors and decorative ideas, how to raise your home value, and fun recipes. Plus, Realty Guardian sends automated quarterly emails for seasonal home maintenance reminders to our HOMEOWNERS. The commitment to consistently communicate also serves as a reminder Realty Guardian has every MEMBER’S best interests top of mind and are willing, ready, and able to help improve and protect your current and future home value (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Losses of Home Value & Home Equity Losses: $500 to $30,000+).
Protection Against a Changing Market & Any Neighborhood Decline
In a 20+ Page Custom Report
Upon MEMBERSHIP, and every anniversary, each MEMBER HOMEOWNER receives a20+ page Property Report featuring their property and neighborhood with easy-read charts and stats. The ANNUAL CUSTOMIZED PROPERTY REPORT discloses the home’s current Property History, Comparable Properties, Mortgage & Deed History, Sales & Financing Activity, Estimated Home Values, 12-Month Changes in Value, Neighborhood Housing Stats, Demographics, Quality of Life Stats, and much more. As a REALTY GUARDIAN MEMBER, you can request an updated report anytime during the year (CRITICAL LOSS PREVENTION MEASURE Against Home Value & Home Equity Losses: $500 to $30,000+).
Protection for Relocation & Move: Agent Connections in Other Cities
When relocating outside of the home area to anywhere else in the US, a Realty Guardian Staff Advisor will locate a Certified GAURDIAN REALTOR® or if not available in that area yet, will locate a reputable REALTOR® in the destination city who can meet the MEMBER BUYER’S needs to expedite their home search, transaction, and move. Realty Guardion will share our Power Package of 32+ PREMIUM TRANSACTION SAFEGUARDS with that agent, seeking his/her agreement to follow as many as possible to meet our high standards.
If using the referred REALTOR® for your transaction, Realty Guardian will protect you with CONTRACT CONCELLATION PROTECTION™ up to $1,200 for appraisal and inspection expenses on any purchase that goes badly and is officially released according to the terms of the contract. Also, LEGAL CONSULTATION PROTECTION™ up to $600 is provided for the relocating BUYER if legal advice is needed for any Realty Guardian Platform referral during the transaction, and if not used then up to one year after any closing (CASH REIMBURSEMENT PROTECTION Against Out-of-Pocket Expenses Up to a Total of $1,800).